by Liz Kerwin As September approaches I am keenly aware that I will not be returning to Loyola after 35 years of the most blessed and rewarding ministry anyone could hope for. I am filled with gratitude for all of you whose lives I was privileged to share and...
Guest Blogger
Where Are Your Feet This Advent?
By Liz Kerwin Recently on a retreat I was struck by a presenter saying, “Where are your feet?” It came to me that it might be a good mantra for this Advent especially as it is only three weeks, the shortest possible, this year. Perhaps during this very full time of...
Springtime of the Soul
by Liz Kerwin. Lent is called the Springtime of the Soul, and although Lent is almost over, spring is just getting a good start. In spring we experience increasing light. Plants and trees are beginning to sprout with new life. We think of planting seeds. We also might...
Advent Awareness
by Liz Kerwin The Advent Christmas season is my favorite time of year. People say they are so busy. I prefer to say my life is very full. How do I choose to fill my life during this Advent time when we are invited to be awake, aware, anticipating and in awe? I will...
Christ Comes in a Time of Division
by David Rothstein Yesterday a Muslim teen on a New York subway train was verbally attacked by 3 white men. She said they mentioned Donald Trump, called her a terrorist, told her to leave the country, and “take that rag off your head.” No one on the train said a word...
Unsung Saints and Mystics
by Catherine Michaud CSJ In March (2016) Pope Francis announced the qualification of a married couple for canonization: Louis and Zelie Martin, St. Therese of Lisieux’s parents. He opened our imaginations to the myriad mystics and saints who have not been named, much...
Earth Care
by Liz Kerwin, CSJ. Recently I was sent an article supporting the small percentage of scientists who say that human behavior is not responsible for global warming because these changes have always been happening throughout earth’s history. It also implied that all the...
The Desert
by Sheila Laughton. There is an odd attractiveness about a desert, a place so hot or cold that life itself is a struggle. Perhaps it is because you are forced to live in the moment, on guard for the slightest change that signals danger—a raging sand or snow storm, a...
The Other Side of Suffering
by David Rothstein. Lent brings me a heightened awareness of suffering, my own and the world's. Sitting in morning meditation recently, negative thoughts drifted in: this world is truly an exile from the freedom and peace of the spirit world. Thinking of the many...
Spiral Dynamics
by Catherine Michaud, CSJ. Preparing for my January 9 program at Loyola titled, “Faith Stages and the Spiritual Life,” I discovered SPIRAL DYNAMICS®, a program that provides a framework for understanding the “process of human emergence and how living systems evolve,...
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