Barbara Leonard
Barbara has been involved in spiritual direction for more than 30 years as a receiver and director. Spiritual direction provides a continuing invitation to view our lives as gifts from the Creator and to live them with discernment and great joy. She bases direction on the spirituality of Ignatius Loyola which keeps us waiting and watching for God to surprise and enliven us. Witnessing how God is personally revealed in our lives is an honor. Doing spiritual direction i a great privilege.
Barbara is married with two daughters and four grandchildren. Living in a rural area allows her regular time with nature. Horses are especially important in her life and her family’s. Barbara is a member of the Episcopal Church and the Society of St. Francis in the Anglican Communion. She serves the Order as a chaplain.
Barbara’s spiritual direction education came from The Center for Religious at Development at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge Massachusetts and the Cenacle in Wayzeta, Minnesota. She has a PhD from the University of Minnesota in Hospital and Health Care Administration, and MS in Public Health. She is professor emerita in the School of Nursing, University of MN.
Barbara offers 5th step meetings and the Spiritual Exercises. She is especially interested in second half of life questions and issues as well as aging.