Walking coastal trails
Cloak of beauty covers me
Sheer magnificence
Hiking the coastal path in Cornwall, England was the inspiration for this Haiku poem. The wild coastal cliffs carved by centuries of crashing waves were bordered by gently sloping pastures. The threads of this vast landscape were woven into a cloak of beauty. Sheer magnificence.
What landscapes weave a cloak of beauty to cover you?
Walking on a bright sunny day, the trees flaunted their brilliant colors in this turning of seasons. Threads of orange, yellow, red and green were woven into a cloak of beauty. Sheer magnificence.
What are the threads in your every day life that weave a cloak of beauty to cover you?
Gathering on October 21, over sixty colleagues, directees, friends, and family celebrated Kay Vander Vort’s forty-seven year contribution to the ministry of Spiritual Direction. Stories of Kay’s relationships, creativity, and service highlighted the sacred thread that has run through her life, a thread which has been woven into a cloak of beauty around each person she has touched. Sheer magnificence.
Who are the people who weave a cloak of beauty to cover you?
What are the sacred threads of your life that are woven into a cloak of beauty for others?