Pay for Spiritual Direction

Paying for Spiritual Direction


The standard fee for Spiritual Direction is $100.00 per session.
In the Type of Payment box below there are seven options to choose from:


  • Opt 1: pay the full amount and add a $15 donation to be used in Loyola’s scholarship fund for a total payment of $115.
  • Opt 2: pay the standard fee for a total payment of $100.00.
  • Opt 3-7: use scholarship funds to reduce the total payment. There are five levels of scholarship assistance. A brief conversation with your spiritual director is all we ask.


Type of Payment

Spir. Director & session date:

three stone cairns

Support Our Vision

Loyola welcomes all regardless of economic means. During these times of crisis in our world, Loyola’s vision of “transforming the world one person at a time” is desperately needed. Here are just a few ways your donation can help our ministry to be fiscally responsible: 

  • Offering spiritual direction at an affordable cost
  • Funding scholarships for those in need
  • Providing retreat experiences that could otherwise be financially prohibitive
  • Supporting new workshops and group programs
  • Enhancing our online presence
  • And helping to sustain us for another 40+ years!