Who is Reina? (pronounced Ray-na)
She is the newest spiritual director to join the community of Loyola. She has lived most of her life in Minnesota, but has lived in Japan, Washington D.C., Florida, and Chicago. She comes with an M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Direction from Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta, GA. Her undergraduate degree is a B.S. in Nursing from the University of Minnesota. Reina will embrace her role within Loyola while continuing her part-time staff position at Christos Center in Lino Lakes.
Reina and her husband enjoy biking,

cross country skiing,

snowshoeing, and kayaking. A happy by-product of their move back to Minnesota in 2018 is an expansive perennial garden,

which brings joy and an occasional back ache.
Her immediate family consists of two grown sons and their families, including four energetic little ones.
Reina is open to receiving new directees at this time. Please visit the Loyola website to learn more about Reina’s background and approach to companioning others in spiritual direction.