I don’t know about you, dear neighbor, but this last month of January has challenged me in many ways. Our weather people have reminded us that we have experienced 6 serious snow/ice storms in the last 8 weeks. That’s not MY Minnesota winter! I brag to my friends who live in other places that the beauty of Minnesota winter lies in the sunny blue skies following picturesque snow falls. Guess what? That’s not this year’s reality!
It got me reflecting on the “Light” and “Shadows” in this photo taken from my dining room window just about a month ago, on Epiphany, January 6, 2023.

Today is February 2, 2023 Ground Hog Day
Since 1887 in North America, Ground Hog Day derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if the groundhog emerges from his burrow on this day and sees its shadow due to clear weather (sun), it retreats to its den and winter goes on 6 more weeks. If it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early.
How did you awake this morning from your “burrow” in this gray, challenging winter?
Today February 2, is also Candlemas Day or The Celebration of Presentation of the Lord to Simeon, with Anna, in the Temple. I invite you to read and ponder Luke 2:22-40.
Simeon “received” and “recognized” Jesus, the Christ of the Lord, and at the same time, Anna heard this and carried forth the message that He has arrived.
In these post-Epiphany, not-so-“ordinary days,” how difficult has it been for you to receive, recognize or carry forth the “Light”, the Presence of Jesus to yourself or others?
Might today be a gentle reminder to focus more on the “Light” than the “Shadows?”