Ignatian Spirituality

Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, fell in love with God’s creation. His spiritual vision saw the world charged with God’s inviting presence. As a result, his spirituality is positive and practical–designed to help men and women like us fall in love with the world too. He has a great desire to help us discover God at work in our world and in our individual and communal lives.
Before he founded the Jesuits, Ignatius gathered his spiritual vision in a little book called The Spiritual Exercises. It’s full of suggestions and religious practices to help us find real freedom and to make magnanimous choices about service, choices that can better embody faith acting in love. His spirituality is as appropriate for lay folks as it is for the “professionally religious.”
Ignatian spirituality will help you develop a spiritual life that’s not divorced from your real life–it’s actually centered there. It guides us in noticing and paying attention to God’s presence and call in our lives. He also wants us to be able to choose the greater good freely and joyfully.
Want to learn more? We can help.
Call and speak with one of our experienced directors: they can answer questions and clear up any ambiguities. We’re also happy to suggest some reading tailored to your individual needs.
Check out these websites:
The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola have guided spiritual seekers for centuries. See all of our Retreats and Programs to find out which can help you find your way.
Extended Ignatian Exercises
Talk with one of our directors about spiritual direction based on Ignatian spirituality, or about doing the Extended Ignatian Exercises.
Ignatian Associates
Interested in learning more about Ignatian spirituality and affiliating with others of a kindred spirit? Consider becoming an Ignatian Associate. Read more at ignatianassociates.org