by Liz Kerwin
The Advent Christmas season is my favorite time of year. People say they are so busy. I prefer to say my life is very full. How do I choose to fill my life during this Advent time when we are invited to be awake, aware, anticipating and in awe?
I will do my best to bring peace and joy into my world by greeting every person I encounter with a smile and hello, and take time to listen if they desire to converse even if it takes a half an hour to walk down the hall.
I will put a lid on my commercialism by donating to charities that feed and help the needy as my gift to friends and relatives who are not needy.
I will attend, enjoy and be filled by the opportunities for prayer, music and celebration so abundant at this season.
Finally I will end the day with gratitude for every meeting, opportunity and gift I have experienced today.