by Carolyn Kolovitz | Nov 9, 2022 | Featured Image
When I was a little girl, my December ritual was to sit beside the twinkling tree lights in our living room and imagine myself into the coffee table manger scene. I visualized myself with the shepherds underneath a Bethlehem sky full of angels until the angels and...
by Linda Cherek | Jun 10, 2022 | Featured Image
I recently participated in a full day retreat and at the end of the retreat we joined together for Mass. The day was full and I hold many moments with deep gratitude. The Prayers of the Faithful, however, reflected the work of the Spirit, especially...
by Kay Vander Vort | Jun 2, 2022 | Featured Image
Whiplash is probably not a “spiritual” word, however it perfectly describes my experiences of being yanked from one emotion to another, as I reflect on the days around Memorial Day, which has become the unofficial beginning of summer. May 19 and 20: Our Loyola staff...
by Linda Cherek | May 17, 2022 | Featured Image
On March 28th my husband and I flew to Amsterdam for a month-long adventure. We had not been away from home for this long and upon returning home we have had an opportunity to review all we did and noticed in that month. On a one-week bike and barge trip...
by Linda Cherek | Mar 15, 2022 | Featured Image
“God is present to us at the deepest core of our being…God’s desires for us and our deepest desires are…not opposed but are one in the same.”Kevin O’Brien, The Ignatian Adventure What do you desire? This can be a challenging question for us to discern. Is...