by Linda Cherek | Mar 15, 2022 | Featured Image
“God is present to us at the deepest core of our being…God’s desires for us and our deepest desires are…not opposed but are one in the same.”Kevin O’Brien, The Ignatian Adventure What do you desire? This can be a challenging question for us to discern. Is...
by Karen Treat | Dec 28, 2021 | Featured Image
There is beauty in the “in between”. The time when the sky is black, and stars begin to sparkle. When the ice begins to melt, and the waters open. The song of the bird and the sunlight fully illuminated. The “in between” can be waiting, anticipating, and...
by Lindsay McGlynn | Oct 28, 2021 | Featured Image
The other day a friend of mine offered a new way to understand patience. As he spoke of his 11-year-old son, he slowly and thoughtfully said, “Patience is a letting go.” When I think of myself at my most impatient moments, they are the times I am most wrapped up in...
by Linda Cherek | Aug 5, 2021 | Loyola
Continuing to Acknowledge and Celebrate the Ignatian Year “The heart has its reasons of which the mind knows nothing.”Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion occurred as he became able to interpret the spiritual meaning of his emotional life. The spirituality he...
by Kay Vander Vort | Jul 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
It didn’t take me long to decide what topic I would choose to write about as I join my Loyola colleagues in posting blogs to celebrate the dedicated Ignatian year (May 2021-July 2022 marking the 500th Anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion). Of all the great gifts...