Might today be a gentle reminder to focus more on the “Light” than the “Shadows?”
Susanna Bertelsen
thanksgiving for so many blessings during these challenging times
Mid-Autumn Reflections: Contemplating the Divine in Nature
between seasons of summer and winter, is an opportunity to balance energies between mind, body and spirit.
As I contemplate the role of compassion in my life and within the communities where I live and work, I have become acutely aware of the lack of compassion within and around me.
Pondering Movements of Mystery and Hope in May 2022
Yes, recovery is possible today due to many advances in the understanding of mental illnesses as “bio-chemical brain disease.”
Springing Forward with Reflections: day to day desolations and consolations invite gratitude.
Revisiting the fact that, in the Bible, the words, “Fear not” or “Do not be afraid” are found 365 times. It encourages me to lean on signs of trust, compassion, mercy, hope amid times of desolation. How does this scriptural reminder touch your heart?
PRAYER SHAWLS: Everyday reminders of God’s love, compassion and mercy.
How might prayer shawls be everyday reminders of God’s love, compassion and mercy?
The Heart of the Matter
Join me in contemplating the role of compassion in our lives and within the communities where we live and work.
Winter Wisdom Lights our Path: A Prayer from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Next week, on January 17, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr Day and remember the great leadership of another human “star” whose life models courage, perseverance and truth…whose words “light” our paths toward peace, justice and equality.
Mid-Autumn Reflections: Contemplating the Divine in Nature
I turn to the constancy, comfort and beauty of the Natural world to calm my mind, body and spirit. I am in awe of the frequent, grace-filled teachings that our Creator offers through Nature.
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