Contemplating our death…doesn’t have to produce anxiety or fear – it can, in fact, allow us to live life more fully….to live each day with more love, gratitude, and humility and with the hope that…we will have as few regrets as possible.
Nancy Loyd
Mortality and What Matters Most
Maybe it’s because I work in hospice that I find the season of Lent to be a beautiful time to not just reflect on Jesus’ death but to contemplate and plan for our own. We start this season each year by hearing the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you...
Life Lessons from Death
by Nancy Loyd Some may say I have a strange passion, for I am passionate about what our mortality can teach us about living. I am fortunate to not only be a spiritual director with Loyola but also to work in hospice care. I believe that it is a blessed gift to work...
Cultivating Joy
by Nancy Loyd I have been thinking a lot about joy lately. Specifically, how to cultivate joy in a time in history that I find to be at best uncertain, and at worst, terrifying. I believe the world needs each of us to intentionally cultivate joy in order to not just...
Finding God at the MN State Fair
by Nancy Loyd. One of the things I love the most about Ignatian Spirituality is the practice of “Finding God in all things.” I have been reflecting about how true this statement is but also how much easier it is to “see” this at certain times and places than others....
Awake, Aware, and Intentional
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Awake, Aware, and Intentional Nancy Loyd Years ago I had an experience in which I heard the words “wake up” ring through my entire body. It was as if God was throwing cold water on every cell of my being to get my attention. In that...
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