Linda Cherek

All Saints, All Souls and Halloween (All Hallows Eve)

All Saints, All Souls and Halloween (All Hallows Eve)

 St Ignatius struggled too with doubt and fear.  In the dark and quiet moments of his prayer, he experienced the light of Christ and trust as God illuminated his shadow-self and he accepted the invitation to go deeper. We are given that same invitation from St Ignatius and all the saints, to notice God in all things each day and in every moment. 

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The Ignatian Year and Creativity

God continues to invite each of us into a deepening relationship, to ongoing conversion. We believe that by embracing this invitation, we embrace our God who calls us to act in new, bold ways that reconcile our world, bringing about justice, peace and compassion.

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Let There Be Peace…

Peace… we desire it; we pray for it, we look for it and then we discover it is within each of us. We are created to be a peaceful presence in the world. Sometimes it just takes the journey to recognize that what we have been seeking, we have already been given, the grace of peace.

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The Gift of the Passion of Jesus

The Gift of the Passion of Jesus

After praying and experiencing the anxiety of anticipating what was to come, Jesus came to an acceptance and from a place of inner freedom, he gave of himself, no one took his life from him.

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So what is hope for us? When do we call on it and how do we recognize when hope is the outcome we desire?

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