Our email newsletter that went out on Friday, May 29, 2020.
Arise in Love
As each person is awakened to the sacred in all life, the world is transformed.
This week we are witnessing a deep truth of our reality whispered and shouted from the streets. From our privileged role as witnesses, the landscape of collective pain, chronic frustration, and entrenched injustice once again is fully illuminated. The power of George Floyd’s voice is inescapable – “I can’t breathe.”
Loyola sits not far from where the shouting is loud. The smoke from the fires just a few blocks away coated one’s throat last night. Cars, police, ambulances, and fire trucks shot past through the evening. Loyola also sits not far from where the whispers can be heard. We hear the whispers of those whose spirits are assaulted by the rancor of the moment and the culture of white supremacy that lays beneath it.
Loyola’s own shout is with our neighbors against the scourge of racism, against the violence and the disparities perpetrated on anyone labeled a minority. Loyola’s whisper is to prayerfully listen, notice the invitations to act, and serve with and beside our neighbors.
On behalf of the Loyola Board and Staff,
Dan Johnson, Managing Director