Blessings in Aramaic and Greek

Blessings in Aramaic and Greek

As I was exploring resources from my formation program, I found a real treasure I wanted to share with you.  It is both Aramaic  (A), the language most historians believe the historical Jesus spoke and Greek  (G) translations of the Beatitudes.  I find them rich and...


Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today; And give us not to think so far away As the uncertain harvest; keep us here All Simply in the spring of the year. ~First stanza of A Prayer in Spring by Robert Frost Winter in Minnesota invites me to consider migration to...
A Simple Prayer Will Do

A Simple Prayer Will Do

January is often a difficult month for me, despite all the things I love about it, like the fresh slate of a new year. I’m not much one for “resolutions,” but I do enjoy spending time reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the new year. I also...

Good Habits: Habits of the Heart

Continuing to Acknowledge and Celebrate the Ignatian Year “The heart has its reasons of which the mind knows nothing.”Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion occurred as he became able to interpret the spiritual meaning of his emotional life. The spirituality he...

Let There Be Peace…

“Peace is both stillness and movement. It is ceaseless freshness and complete renewal gifted to us in states of prayer, contemplation, nourishing relationships and selfless service, and by embodying courage and conscience.”   James O’Dea I was entering my...