Good Habits: Habits of the Heart

Continuing to Acknowledge and Celebrate the Ignatian Year “The heart has its reasons of which the mind knows nothing.”Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion occurred as he became able to interpret the spiritual meaning of his emotional life. The spirituality he...
Contemplating Ignatian Lament

Contemplating Ignatian Lament

In March of 1592, outside of Barcelona, 31-year-old Iñigo de Loyola, our present-day St. Ignatius, made an all-night vigil before Our Lady of Montserrat. On his knees. Candlelit shrine. Black Madonna at the Benedictine Monastery. Can you see the young knight in his...

Ignatius and Gratitude

Ignatius of Loyola espoused the prayer practice called Examen (reflecting daily on what was life giving and what was life draining).  His own experience taught him that God was present in all things. Gratitude was a natural response to that awareness – and...

The Ignatian Year and Creativity

“From May 2021 until July 2022, the Society of Jesus celebrates an Ignatian Year.  What is an Ignatian Year? May 20, 2021 marks the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion — that fateful day when Ignatius the soldier, struck by a cannonball, began...
Starting Again

Starting Again

Having experienced decades of winters here in Minnesota, I really enjoy the vibrancy of spring. The last two months of trees budding, crocuses blooming, and grass greening, shouted, “Life is here!” This spring has been especially life-filled as the winter of the...