by Tom Allen
Richard Rohr contends that our post- modern secular culture has forgotten how to experience an “enchanted” world. We can choose to live in the reality that all of life is sacred. Our imaginations are a resource.
Walking down the street, relishing the growth and colors, I begin to imagine that I am walking in God’s garden, created personally for me in this very moment. I feel deeply connected.
My wife lives in a memory loss group home. It is very stressful to know I have little control over her disease or its progression. As I look into Julie’s eyes, I imagine her movement to higher levels of consciousness, already living in union with God. I am fully present to our mutual suffering, while being inspired by her God given Divinity.
Sitting across from someone in spiritual direction, I imagine God saying to me, “This person is my beloved, in whom I am well pleased.” It creates an environment of curiosity, awe, and wonder.
How about for you? How does your imagination increase a sense of the sacred?