
Does God Really Care If I Get A Parking Space? Discernment in Daily Life

Tom Allen

Should we pray for a parking space? Does God really care? Hmmmm….

If I am anxiously looking for one and I pray for and experience peace, is the parking spot relevant?

If I race around the lot to get in ahead of someone else—not terribly life giving. If I resentfully let someone else have the one last spot, have I been spirit led?

If I have a disability and I feel vulnerable and powerless in parking lots and know I need help, am I not already blessed?

Does our prayer bring us into deeper intimacy with God and make us more loving? Author Margaret Silf asks, Is my desire a “taking” desire like a spider consuming its prey, or a “giving” desire, like a bee in relationship with a flower, where there is mutuality? Do I feel “drawn” to or “driven” into this action?

I have no idea if God cares about parking spaces. But I know God cares deeply about our interior lives and the spirit with which we live.

What do you think?
