Loyola has thrived through the past four decades because of relationships. Relationship with God active and present in the world today. Relationships among the staff fostering community. Relationships with other organizations promoting the spiritual life. Relationships with directees noticing the sacred movement in their lives. Relationships with the friends of Loyola helping to support and promote a loving and compassionate spirituality for all of life.
One of the places these relationships have flourished is at Loyola’s building, nestled in the Aurora/Saint Anthony neighborhood of St Paul. As part of what was once the Rondo neighborhood, it is a resilient area that knows what it means to rise to challenges both historic and present. Loyola is grateful to be a part of this historic area and to continue to learn what it means to be a good neighbor.
During the month of September, we will be improving our building and our garden – our physical presence in the neighborhood. A new Loyola sign will be going up, the garden will be prepared for winter, and the interior walls will be painted. All three are happening because of the relationships and generosity of the friends of Loyola.
Would you like to participate, too? We are scheduling small, physically distanced work groups on the remaining Saturdays in September. If you have a knack with a paint brush, know how to split and transplant hostas, or have ladder that reaches 10 feet, we would be thrilled to have you join in. All you need to do is call me a day or two ahead of time. Help Loyola be a part of the neighborliness in this remarkable place.
Here’s my number and email: 651-641-0008 ext 22, dan.johnson@loyolaspiritualitycenter.org.